Are progressives contributors to school violence?
Parents and concerned citizens are looking for causes of increased shooting deaths in public schools. Should they look at some progressives teachers as contributors of increased violence?
Some permissive progressives teachers oppose discipline, moral restraint, and are champions of communists, evolutionists, atheists, murders, pornographers, and homosexuals. Cultural Marxists educators have a goal of destroying American culture, the family, Christian values, and establishing an atheistic socialist one world government. Progressive Humanists have opposed Christian free speech, prayer in schools, and discussion of intelligent design.
In 1962 prayer was removed from public schools. In 1987 teaching of "Creation Science" outlawed. In 1993 ACLU attorney Ruth Ginsberg was appointed to U.S. Supreme Court. 2005 the Ten Commandments were outlawed. As a result; violence, teen pregnancies, and drug addiction have sky rocketed. Guns don't murder, sick evil people kill innocent children.
When the restraint of the Church is removed at the Rapture, cultural Marxists will be successful in destroying American culture, promoting the UN, and creating a one world government. The Book of Revelation warns in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell without accepting the mark of the beast and worshiping Satan. The world is in a spiritual battle, but the outcome is already decided. Jesus will return and throw Satan and the Antichrist into the Lake of Fire for eternity. Progressives will be put out of business. Got Jesus as your personal Lord and savior ? Its hell without him. God has warned, "Don't get me mad and make me come down there."
Federal Reserve officials expect to hike rates roughly six additional times this year, bringing its benchmark Fed Funds Rate to nearly 2%. In May the central bank raised the Fed Funds Rate by ½%. Can they reach their goal without a recession?
One is wise to sell on the rumor of bad news and buy on the fact. Gold is approaching over a year of consolidation on the rumor of Fed tightening and a rate hike. Next week the Fed is expected to increase its bond purchase taper and hint of more aggressive rate hikes in 2022. However, there is almost a two year lag between money printing and inflation.
Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Jerome Powell has stated the Fed will "began to taper QE and raise interest rates" and "inflation is temporary"