
Betsy De Vos is dangerous

President Trump's cabinet nomination Betsy De Vos for Secretary of Education is his most controversial and dangerous pick.

Betsy DeVos is President Trump's nomination for Secretary of Education. She appears to be the most feared of all his cabinet picks. She barely passed her Senate committee 12 to 11. In her final nomination vote, all Democrats and two Republicans oppose her.

Why is she so controversial? First, she believes God created us with the inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is extremism! Everyone knows we evolved by accident with no purpose in life. Betsy DeVos comes from wealth and is married to a wealthy husband. Everyone knows the rich become wealthy by exploitation.

She is a philanthropist who believes parents of minority children should have the freedom to take their children out of crime and gang infested inner city public schools, which promote secular humanism. She believes parents should have the choice, through a voucher, to send their children to private Christian schools or charter schools, which provide discipline, and teach reading, writing and arithmetic. This is dangerous!

She is a global warming denier, who also believes sexual relations should only be between men and women. She is a threat to everything the post-Christian godless believe. She is dangerous and needs to be stopped before children believe in God, the Ten Commandments and purpose to life. We must stop parents regaining control of their children from the teacher's union and the progressives. We must go to the streets and protest to intimidate President Trump and extremists who believe in strong family values. We need Madonna and Ashley Judd to tell us what true women's rights are, and where they came from, if not from God.

Linda Johnston



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