
Data does not support global warming hoax

The following is an editorial posted June 7, 2017 in the Curry County Pilot letters to the editor, Brookings, Oregon. Scientific data does not support the conclusion that the 1990s are the warmest decade ever, or the burning of fossil fuels threatens civilization.

Buddha knew if God does not exist, the human soul cannot exist. Buddha's rejection of self, made sense to Pyrrho of Greece, who traveled to India with Alexander the Great and interacted with Buddhist philosophers. After returning to Greece Pyrrho taught that nothing is truly knowable, and as a result education, philosophy, and science declined in Greece. Bacon and Galileo believed in the scientific method and God's word. Religious zelots who suppress true science and the Bible are not true Christians. Modern science was born in critique of Aristotelian rationalism. The scientific method assumes human logic has validity, but must be subservient to observed facts. One contrary observed fact can destroy any theory.

Bill Clinton, Al Gore and, former UN's IPPC chief, Rajendra Pachauri all promote Michael Mann's hockey stick graph, which shows fifteen hundred years of stable global temperature and then a sharp increase in temperature due to increased CO2 caused by humans burning fossil fuels. However, peer review panels showed Mann's conclusions are not supported by data. The 1990s are not the warmest decade ever. He ignored the Medieval warm period, the Little Ice Age, and exaggerated recent warming. The Cambria and Medieval warm periods were warmer than today. The Cambrian period had 25 times the CO2 levels of today. In previous periods elephants and tigers lived in tropical forests in the Arctic, north of Siberia.

Human activity contributes only 3.4 percent to CO2 levels. Nature creates 96.6 percent of the increase or decrease of CO2 levels. Rising levels of carbon dioxide follow higher global temperatures, as oceans release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Greenhouse gases form only 1 percent. Water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide is only a trace greenhouse gas.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union, communism and socialism were discredited. Progressive liberals created human caused global warming as their method of attacking free enterprise and capitalism. Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri are not degreed climatologists. Clinton, Gore and Pachauri preach the evils of over-consumption, over-population, and capitalism. However, elite liberals seem to live lavish lifestyles with private jets, big homes, and consumption of as much capital and promiscuity as they can.

Steve Johnston, B.S., M. Div., J.D.


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