
Wikileaks show Podesa occult rituals

WikiLeaks emails show John Podesta and others in Hillary's inner circle participate in bizarre occult rituals. Emails show a social link between John and Tony Podesta and Marina Abramovic who performs occult rituals as an "artist".

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump appear to lack virtue in their personal lives and veracity in selling their brands. However, Trump does have a worldview which believes in the rule of law, and God given moral absolutes. Hillary Clinton is a Saul Alinsky disciple who believed Satan was the first community organizer. She believes in open boarders, PC, Marxist redistribution of wealth, and open marriages. While Hillary and her campaign manager John Podesta have made fortunes selling political favors, Donald Trump promises to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C. Hillary has accepted millions from Wall Street lobbyists, but Trump is primarily using his own money and his brand name to sell his concept to "Make America Great Again."

Trump is opposed to smoking, drinking, drugs and abortions. Hillary approves of sodomy, abortions, and the occult. Bob Wodward's biography of Hillary Clinton documents séances in which Hillary channeled Eleanor Roosevelt in the white house as the first lady in the 1990's. To offset low attendance at Hillary's political events she brought in recording stars such a Jay Z and his wife Beyonce to perform. Jay Z and Beyonce are heavily involved with occult and wear costumes which honor Aleister Crowley and Satanism. Wikileaks emails show John Podesta and others in Hillary's inner circle participate in bizarre occult rituals.

Wikileaks emails show a social link between John and Tony Podesta, two brothers who own the Podesta lobbying firm, and Marina Abramovic who performs occult rituals as an "artist", in which she writes on the wall with blood, jumps through burning pentagrams, and encourages members of her audience to rip her clothes off, and cut or whip her. Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is married to Jared Kushner, an orthodox Jew, who believes the Torah opposes Kabala or the mixture of Judaism and the occult. Orthodox Jews and fundamental Christians also believe the Bible forbids Hillary Clinton's channeling of demonic spirits.

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